Wood doors are an integral design feature, highly visible and very functional. We represent only top architectural wood door manufactures in the industry. Designing and delivering value from a range of manufactures to meet a demanding design specification is where BCM Commercial rises above the others. In our custom wood door shop, we can prep for hardware, cut down in size, cut in light kits, custom machine or any other modification needed to get the job done. The selection of in-stock doors can fulfill numerous situations providing value and quick lead-time.

Streko Doors
Koch and Co.

Commerce Bank

We have been involved in several new and remodel projects with this bank.  This new construction project features welded hollow metal frames, wood doors, hardware, key system and wood mouldings.... View Project

Dick’s Sporting Goods

Major retailer infill project.  Welded hollow metal jambs, pre-finished wood doors, custom security preps and hardware.... View Project

House of Brokers Realty

New construction office space designed to have a residential feel.  Along with traditional hollow metal frames and doors, we supplied base, case, columns, fypon trim, custom stair system and split jamb pre hung door units.... View Project

Wilson’s Fitness

This steel frame building was built to house the main location of this multi-location business.  Welded hollow metal frames, wood doors and hardware.  This project also used custom mouldings.  We provided matching materials in the commercial retail space that was a part of the structure.  We regularly supply product for maintenance for this and other locations.... View Project

Woodcrest Chapel

We have supplied multiple projects over the years.  Hollow metal jambs, Timely jambs, flush oak doors, light kits and hardware.  We developed a key system for the entire campus.  We regularly supply matching product for maintenance and alterations.... View Project

Seven Oak Center

This was a new construction design build project.  We supplied Marvin Windows, hollow metal, Timely, and wood frames with wood doors.... View Project

Johnston Paint and Decorating

Value engineered design build project.  Welded hollow metal jambs, wood doors, hardware and key system.... View Project

Providence Urgent Care

This design build medical facility features welded hollow metal frames, Timely frames, pre-finished birch doors and hardware.... View Project

ABC Laboratories

This was a multi-site project.  Ground up new laboratory using welded hollow metal frames and flush birch doors.  Rehab old campus providing matching doors for meridia.  Created a key system for both locations.... View Project

Columbia Surgical Associates

This was a design build medical infill project.  Welded hollow metal frames and pre-finished wood doors.... View Project